Monday, May 25, 2009

prom prom prom

I had prom on friday. It was uber fun. My boyfriend said he wasnt very good at dancing, so i didnt think he would want to...but we ended up dancing all night. We went back and chilled at my friends house and slept outside in would have been nice to go to a party...but after prom was still fun....the actual prom was awesome though!!!!
My bff came over before...she doesnt go to my school but she came to see me get ready for prom :) :) :)
there was a big group there but these are just a few photos

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

playing catch up

I have been so so busy
school is ending soon
prom is coming up
one more week of gymnastics ever
my teachers still decide to give butt loads of home work
Im reading the worst book ever
very frustrating

some outfits

yellow pants i dyed :) I dont know if i like it better with or with out the vest

bracelets i made :)

Has anyone ever read slaughterhouse-five? Its by vonnegut, who if you ever watched an interview is one of the most annoyingly cynical people ever. I read another book by him called cat's cradle which i really liked, slaughterhouse-five however is a different story. It is quite possibly one of the most boring books I have ever read, and not only is it boring, but it takes me til about the third time reading through the chapter trying to conceive what is going on to even realize that infact nothing but boring poo is going on....maybe I just have senioritis, but even the book im reading for AP Euro on the scientific revolution seems more interesting then this book.